Letters Of Lamech
Six years and counting of on and off blogging... current events, Christianity, fun
Sunday, August 01, 2004
...Kerry reiterated that he believes that life begins at conception — and that a woman has the right to choose whether to abort.

Asked whether he believes abortion is taking a life, Kerry said a fetus is a "form of life."

"The Bible itself — I mean, everything talks about different layers of development. That's what Roe v Wade does. It talks about viability. It's the law of the land." The Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v Wade ruling legalized abortion in America.

"I don't believe personally that it's the government's job to step in and take my article of faith and transfer it to somebody who doesn't share that article of faith," said Kerry, a Roman Catholic.
Yes of course I believe Jews are a "form of life." Would I close down that concentration camp on the outskirts of town? Well you understand that gas chambers and crematoriums are against my strong religious convictions. But it's not the government's job to take my article of faith and impose it on others who believe the slaughter of Jews is necessary to the health of society.

Which lie do you prefer? The first option is: unborn children are nonhuman globules of inert organic matter and so can be disposed with at our convenience. Unfortunately science makes that position more untenable every day. So the alernative is: I believe it's wrong but I can't impose my views on others. Sounds great but why don't we use that same argument for Child abuse, rape, murder, arson, and theft? Aren't there thoughtful people who believes those are OK in certain circumstances? Why do we impose our moral framework on them?

And alongside Kerry's moderate rhetoric, in the background he does in fact want all women to be able to choose an abortion at any stage of pregnancy. That's what supporting NARAL means.
Describing the 2004 presidential election as "the most important in decades," NARAL quotes John Kerry's praise for the abortion group in their endorsement of the liberal Massachusetts senator's presidential campaign.

"NARAL is without question the first line of defense," Kerry is quoted in the e-mail as saying at the Roe v. Wade 30th Anniversary Dinner in 2003. "We will not go back to the days of back alleys ... we need to take on this president and all of the forces of intolerance on this issue; we need to honestly and confidently take this issue out to the country and we need to speak up and be proud of what we stand for."
Those evil right-wingers refuse to tolerate abortion! We need to be SPEAK UP AND BE PROUD of 40 million dead babies since Roe!

However I need to say there is only a small difference between Kerry's positions and actions, and Republicans who talk a wonderful pro-life game, but do not lift a finger to oppose it in their roles in government. Which is 98% of all Republicans in office. Here's praying that Bush 43 will do a better job of selecting a conservative Supreme Court justice, if he is given the chance, than Bush 41 did. USA Today brings this 'phony war' to light in a 2002 article.