Letters Of Lamech
Six years and counting of on and off blogging... current events, Christianity, fun
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Kind of amazed I've been an on-and-off blogger since 2002. I need to write more.

First off I am perplexed and profoundly disappointed in the behavior of our high and mighty conservative talkmeisters. Rush, Laura, Hannity, Hugh Hewitt, and James Dobson are out of their minds. You are telling me that a senator who for over 20 years of voting has never received anything other than a Zero rating from NARAL, supported the war in Iraq when no one else would, is not in SOME fundamental level a conservative? Give me a break. You are all losers. Brit Hume and Bill Kristol are correct in saying the talk show Jedi Council refused to actually throw their full support behind anyone up to last week, and only now speaking well of Romney. They missed their chance to be relevant. People are voting for McCain in droves. If Steve Forbes and Phil Gramm support McCain then there must be some inkling of conservative economic principles in the feeble Reaganesque center of McCain's brain.

The 2000 Republican primary really ticked me off as well. All the conservative chattering class threw McCain, a war hero with a conservative voting record, under the bus in South Carolina in favor of Bush. And guess what. We didn't get a conservative in the White House back then, in any sense other than nominating some good judges. And McCain supported and voted for those conservative judges.

If the Rush-Laura-Sean-Dobson Axis of Excess were serious about conservative principles they would have backed Ron Paul long ago. All of you, please, pick up your toys and go home.